>>> Nameserver Address: {{- printf "%s.%s.svc:9876\n" (include "rocketmq.nameserver.fullname" .) (.Release.Namespace) | nindent 4 }} {{- if .Values.proxy.enabled }} >>> Proxy Remoting Address: {{- printf "%s.%s.svc:8080" (include "rocketmq.proxy.fullname" .) (.Release.Namespace) | nindent 4 }} >>> Proxy gRPC Address: {{- printf "%s.%s.svc:8081\n" (include "rocketmq.proxy.fullname" .) (.Release.Namespace) | nindent 4 }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.dashboard.enabled }} {{- if .Values.dashboard.ingress.enabled }} >>> Visit RocketMQ Dashboard: {{- range $host := .Values.dashboard.ingress.hosts }} http{{ if $.Values.dashboard.ingress.tls }}s{{ end }}://{{ $host.host }}/ {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- if and .Values.dashboard.auth .Values.dashboard.auth.enabled }} >>> RocketMQ Dashboard Auth: {{- range .Values.dashboard.auth.users }} {{- printf "username: %s\tpassword: %s" .name .password | nindent 6 }} {{- end }} Modify "{{ include "rocketmq.dashboard.configmap.fullname" . }}" configmap to change the password {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.controllerModeEnabled }} {{- $brokerReplicaCount := .Values.broker.size.replica | int }} {{- if eq $brokerReplicaCount 0 }} {{ include "rocketmq.noticeValues.controllerMode" . | fail }} {{- else }} {{ include "rocketmq.noticeValues.controllerMode" . }} {{- end }} {{- end }}